Unison FedConnect Support
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Knowledge base
FedConnect Support Info
System Information
Is FedConnect affiliated with the government or SAM.gov?
Is there a fee to use FedConnect?
What are the differences between FedConnect and SAM.gov (formerly FBO)?
What is the difference between fedconnect.net and fcsupport.unisonglobal.com?
Login and Account Management
All Password Requirements for FedConnect
Reset your FedConnect account password
Why did my FedConnect user account expire or become inactive?
What is the difference between a Vendor Administrator and Vendor Representative?
Can I change the email address for my FedConnect user account?
View all 6
Vendor Registration
My new FedConnect user account is still Pending activation. How much longer do I have to wait?
What information is needed to register with FedConnect?
What is my company's DUNS number?
Why am I unable to use my email address for multiple FedConnect accounts?
Why can't I use my email address to register with FedConnect?
View all 7
Why is an error appearing in FedConnect asking me to contact support?
How can I limit the number of notifications that I get from FedConnect?
Why does my organization's FedConnect account contain incorrect or outdated information about my organization?
How can I confirm that my message was sent to the Agency through the FedConnect Message Center?
Can I search by location for opportunities?
View all 13
Tips & Tricks
File Size Limit for FedConnect Submissions
Support Portal Information
How to close a ticket with FedConnect Support
What's the difference between Unison Marketplace and FedConnect?
What if I don't have an account but I want to apply for an opportunity?
FedConnect Fixes and Features
FedConnect 3.9
01 - Read This First - Testing and Production Release Information for FedConnect 3.9
FedConnect 3.9 New Requirements Checklist
FedConnect 3.9 Recording Vendor Clause Exceptions
FedConnect 3.8
FedConnect 3.8 Awards Notifications Fixes
FedConnect 3.8 Registration Fixes
FedConnect 3.8 Solicitation Notification Fixes
FedConnect 3.8 Vendor Responses Fixes
FedConnect 3.7
FedConnect 3.7 Certification Updates
FedConnect 3.7 ONR BAA Cover Page Updates
FedConnect 3.7 Patch 1
FedConnect 3.7 Posting Documents to FedConnect
FedConnect 3.7 Reporting Fixes
View all 6
FedConnect FedConnect Opportunity Email Updates
FedConnect Patch 1
FedConnect Patch 2
FedConnect 3.6
FedConnect 3.6 FedConnect Search Issues
FedConnect 3.6 Recipient Reporting and SF-425 Enhancements
FedConnect 3.6 Registration and Vendor-Related Changes
FedConnect 3.6 Solicitation Bid Response Fixes
FedConnect 3.5
FedConnect 3.5 Adding UEI to Company Profile
FedConnect 3.5 Attachment File Size Fixes
FedConnect 3.5 Opportunities Search Fixes
FedConnect 3.5 Page Rendering Issues
FedConnect 3.5 Password Fixes
View all 7
FedConnect 3.4
FedConnect 3.4 Ability to Send Response Attachments as External Document Links
FedConnect 3.4 Patch 1
FedConnect 3.3
FedConnect 3.3 New Google Meets Feature
FedConnect 3.3 New User Roles in Opportunities and Awards
FedConnect 3.3 Opportunities Fixes
FedConnect 3.3 Time Zones Displayed in FedConnect
FedConnect 3.3 Timestamp and Time Zone for Responses
View all 7
FedConnect 3.2
FedConnect 3.2 508 Fixes
FedConnect 3.2 Patch 1
FedConnect 3.2 Registration Error Message Correction
FedConnect 3.2 Terms of Service Updates
FedConnect 3.2 UEI Now in FedConnect
FedConnect 3.1
FedConnect 3.1 Message Center Fixes
FedConnect 3.1 Messages Updates
FedConnect 3.1 New Look and Feel
FedConnect 3.1 Notifications Fixes
FedConnect 3.1 Password Requirement Updates
View all 8
FedConnect 3.0
FedConnect 3.0 User Support Updates
FedConnect 3.0 Company Name Change Fixes
FedConnect 3.0 Directed Opportunities Feature
FedConnect 3.0 Message Center Fixes
FedConnect 3.0 Sign In Fixes
Freshdesk Information
Freshdesk FAQs
How do I see another user or agency's reported issues?
How do I create a ticket with Unison Customer Support?
How do I reply to or close a ticket in the Unison Support Portal?
How do I look at tickets for my organization?
How do I create a ticket report in Freshdesk?
[INTERNAL] Freshdesk for Support Agents
Phone Channel Management
PRISM and FedConnect Support Hours Schedule
FedConnect Phone Procedures