If your company name is being displayed as a different name than what you expect it to be, it is most likely because your company's SAM.gov account contains a "Doing Business As" name, which is the name that is displayed for your company in FedConnect. If you wish to change this name in FedConnect, please follow the below steps:

  1. Log into SAM.gov and either remove the "Doing Business As" name or change it to the name that you wish to display in FedConnect. If you require assistance in doing this, please reach out to the Federal Service Desk at 1-866-606-8220. 
  2. After the "Doing Business As" name has been updated in SAM.gov, log into FedConnect as a Vendor Administrator who is also a SAM.gov POC (Point of Contact).
  3. Click on the "Company Profile" link on the top right of the page, which will direct you to the "Company Info" page.
  4. Click on the "Update Company from SAM" button. This will update your company's name with the new name listed as your "Doing Business As" name in SAM.gov, or your company's name if you chose to remove the "Doing Business As" name.